5 ecologic materials
bamboo: Bamboo is a material that can be used in building construction, very common in tropical areas. Its advantages are multiple and it is a good alternative to the use of wood. It is a rapidly renewable, natural, ecological and sustainable material. Its collection does not produce forest deforestation and absorbs 30% more CO2 than trees.
carton:paper production contributes to the deforestation, as well as air and water. Carton recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of trees used in paper making.
wood:It is a renewable, natural and properly managed resource that promotes tree planting. Eco-timber must include some type of certificate to ensure sustainable forest management.
glass:Public deposit for Glass recycling. In this public deposit, there are three divisions to separate the glass according to its color: either colorless, green or amber.
Glass recycling is the process by which Glass waste is converted into materials that will serve to create new products.
plastic:Hi ha tres tipus fonamentals de reciclatge que es poden fer del plàstic: mecànic, químic, i energètic.En el reciclatge mecànic, un cop separat i classificat el plàstic segons el seu tipus, és rentat, assecat i triturat per convertir-lo en petites partícules que seran barrejades amb material nou per tal de fabricar nous productes de plàstic.
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